Like Someone in Love: Japanese (Abbas Kiarostami)

This movie is an anti-movie. It is as if someone sat down, decided that these following points are the staple of cinema

–          Editing of shots (cutting time)

–          Plot driven (there is a definite story arc)

–          Etc etc

And went against it point by single point. I had earlier talked about this in the blog. How cinema is a reflection of reality and how it achieves its powers only when used as such. That was in the context of Iranian cinema, where reality is often captured and delivered to us with astounding effects (The maker of this movie is also an Iranian incidentally). This movie pretends to try this approach, while continuously using the tools and mechanics of regular cinema. The story would have been better served with some added tools.

I wonder if the intention was to take away any form of manipulation. I wonder if it is possible to do so, to completely take away the manipulation of a writer, or a director, from a movie.

It could be great cinema, experimenting, learning, moving on. But I missed the poetry of life. (if life was discreet movements and linear traversing then we wouldn’t require movies I am assuming)

Some images (photo credits not mine)





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